The one thing I am looking forward is building a bench for our fireplace. After watching Danny build a table for our deck I'm convinced I can do it in like an hour (it's going to take me several...days... if I'm lucky. Who am I kidding? It'll take me an hour and then Danny will take over and it'll get done). It was the first thing I pinned and it will be built (I'm aiming to have it done before Thanksgiving weekend).
There are a lot of Great kid ideas. One idea I love was a memory picture (that's what I'm calling it), which is where you have a photo of your child at a milestone (say a birthday) and write on the photo key things about them.
This is what I mean. Thankfully my cousin took some great shots of Lynden on his birthday and I was able to find 2 pictures that would work for this. I did both pictures but Danny preferred it.
It was super easy to do too, which is perfect for me. I was able to do everything in Picassa in about 10 minutes.
This was the other. I liked it because it had the tractor in the background and I thought he'd say it was his favourite toy - I guessed wrong. Most of his answers he surprised me on (anything Max & Ruby and Lightning McQueen & Mater were a given).
I love the idea though. It's a great way to be able to remember the small things later on. It's also a great way to track him over the years and see his personality develop.
I love his answer about to what he'll be when he grows up.

Love it! I am so checking out that site, dangerous as it may be:) hehehe